Version 1.0.4

Version 1.0.4


Hello Snail Trainers!

Version 1.0.4 is here, and it is a little bit of a surprise update.

We mentioned in our last update log that we had some features in mind for the next update. This is the next update and we haven’t added any of that stuff!

We should explain… the framework for friend lists has been added, but it isn’t ready for release just yet.

So what have we added?

This update focussed on races, which is probably the most important part of Racing Snails. We had our first ever race, but our excitement was short lived. Our first discovery was that race scheduling was broken, so we knew we had to fix that. Our second discovery was that… races aren’t very exciting. Race results were released instantly after the countdown. No drama or excitement once the countdown was over. So we wanted to change that.


  • We reworked the race calculations, making each Snail stat more important to the race.


  • We added a new race visualiser!
    • Races are no longer instant! Races take time.
    • You can now track your Snail’s race performance live!
  • Added a 3-strike system
    • Before we add our social features, we needed a system to keep everyone safe.
    • Anyone misbehaving will now get a strike. Three strikes and you’ll be banned.
  • Added item bundles to the shop.
    • Now, we can sell item bundles as well as coin bundles.
  • Added daily rewards!
    • Now, you can get free stuff every single day!


  • Fixed a problem with the shop.
    • Not a noticeable issue to you… but we noticed it.

So… what is next?

We’ve started on social features, so those will be creeping in on future updates.

On the subject of creeping, spooky season is almost here! We will be celebrating with all new halloween themed items for your Snails.

Racing Snails Logo

Thank you!

You’ve helped us test the Racing Snails concept and we’ve had some amazing feedback!

What happens next?

Find out here!