Version 1.0.6

Version 1.0.6


Version 1.0.6 (Disaster strikes)

Version 1.0.6 was an urgent update, following the disaster that was the race of Saturday 28 September, 2024.

For those of you who caught the race live, you will have noticed the race ended abruptly without finishing. Due to some oversights on our end, the first attempt at this race ended in disaster, leaving every Snail who took part with some pretty severe injuries. Fortnunately, Doctor Snailius was on hand to give emergency medical care, and after our engineers worked hard late into the night to fix the issues, the race was restarted. The race was eventually finished successfully, and any Snails with leftover injuries from the event were given a free bottle of Max-Strength Cure-All from Derek’s Apothecary.


  • Fixed live race simulation
    • Simulations now update race stages individually rather than within delayed loops to prevent timeouts.
    • Fixed race injury calculations so that they do not occur for every stage.
  • Fixed some security issues on Snail pages.
    • Added checks to ensure a user owns the Snail before allowing them to edit the Snail.
      • While not intended, it is possible to navigate to the Snail page of any Snail. We managed to fix this exploit before it was discovered by bad actors.
  • Added buttons to the inventory to allow quick removal of equiped accessories.
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