Version 1.0.7

Version 1.0.7


What's new?

Version 1.0.7 is a big update disguised as a little update. Let’s talk about what we added and what it means for the future of Racing Snails!

New Stuff

  • Friend codes
    • New QR codes on profile pages. Your friends can scan them to get straight to your profile!
  • Snail Codes
    • Like friend codes, and only visible during special events, for example, in person events.
  • Racing Snails API
    • An API that allows us to interact with the Racing Snails website from external applications.
    • The API is private for now and gives us the freedom to create native applications separate from the main website if we want to.
    • We are going to experiment with using this to create more interactive elements for Racing Snails. More on this soon!
  • Discord integration
    • We now post race results, news, and updates to our official Discord server thanks to our new integration.
    • We see this as a convenient way to get all the latest updates without us flooding your email inbox or sending a thousand push notifications.

New Race Schedule

Racing Snails was never designed for just one race a week! That’s why you probably don’t have enough coins to play with.

Our new racing schedule is Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (5pm UK time)

You’ll still need to register your snail in each race individually, so check back every day to make sure your Snail is ready to race

Bring Your Friends Along

Now that we are moving to a more demanding race schedule, it would help us out a lot if you could invite your friends to play!

Also, join our Discord server! Let’s get a community conversation going! We will be looking to give exclusive rewards to members of our Discord server and you don’t want to miss out on that!

Happy racing, trainers!

Racing Snails Logo

Thank you!

You’ve helped us test the Racing Snails concept and we’ve had some amazing feedback!

What happens next?

Find out here!