Your Snail's rating
Snail Name
Toggle race entry
Manage Snail
Snail training
Snail Cards
On your ‘My Snails‘ screen, you will find all of your snails displayed as Snail Cards.
Snail cards give you an overview of your snail’s information.
Hover over each element on the Snail Card to learn what it means.
Adopt a Snail
You can adopt as many Snails as you want from the Adoption Centre!
Training your Snails and entering them into races is the best way to earn coins!
Snails tend to retire from racing after a few months, unless you can find a way to extend their careers. When your snail retires, you’ll receive their ‘retirement fund‘, which is all the coins your snail has saved up over their racing career, so make sure they have a busy career if you want to be rewarded.
To enter a snail in a race, you just have to click the ‘toggle race entry’ button on your chosen Snail’s card!
You can only enter one snail per race, so choose carefully.
Pay attention to the weather just before the race! Snail’s tend to have favourite weather conditions and will perform better in some than others. You just need to figure out what weather your Snails prefer!
Rating and Stats
Hover or tap each one to learn more
Your snail's speed doesn't need much explaining. The higher your speed stat, the faster your snail will be!
Stamina is important for longer races. The higher your Snail's stamina, the longer it can maintain its top speed.
Agility makes your snail nimble. The higher your Snail's agility, the quicker they can turn and the less mistakes they will make!
Power can be very important! It gives your snail the ability to push themselves to get ahead of the competition.
You can train your snails by taking them to the gym!
Some gyms are better than others but cost more to enter.
Sometimes, a gym will be better at training certain stats, so take the time to learn which gyms give you a boost in the areas you need most!
You can customise your Snail with cosmetic items, like new shells, hats, and accessories.
You can purchase cosmetic items for coins in the town square, or grab some exciting bundles in our shop, or even stumble upon new items as you play.
Some items are also rarer than others and can make you the envy of Snail Island!
Town Square
The Town Square is where you can spend your hard earned coins on treats and cosmetics for you Snails.
Some items have benefits for your Snails, such as boosting their condition for their next race. Some can even make an injured Snail feel better.
What About Coins?
Coins are how we pay for everything on Snail Island!
Every new trainer is given 50 coins to get them started. This should be enough to adopt a Snail and even train them at the gym to be ready for their first race!
What Are They For?
You’ll need coins to adopt snails, to train them at the gyms, and to buy things for them.
Coins are quite important around here!
How To Get Coins
You earn coins by taking part in races. Every snail who joins a race will win some coins, even if they come in last place!
If you are desperate for more coins, try taking a walk in the park. Sometimes you can stumble upon loose change.