Parents Resource

Parents Resource

If your child wants to play Racing Snails, we want to make sure you can be confident that they are safe while doing so!

Hopefully this page will answer any questions you may have.

Can my child play Racing Snails?

As a parent or guardian, this is your decision. We want to help you make an informed decision.

Anyone under the age of 13 must seek parent or guardian permission to register for a Racing Snails account.

Racing Snails is a game for all ages!

We rather selfishly made the game for ourselves because it was something we wanted to play, but we knew the game would likely resonate best with children and immature adults (like us).

We understand you may have some reservations about your child playing an online game alongside adults, but we developed the game with these concerns in mind.

This game focusses on what’s important- training snails to race. There’s no need for private messaging or any real communication between players, so you can be assured that your children won’t be messaging strangers while playing the game.

Our small team is dedicated to keeping the game family friendly.

There aren’t too many opportunities to sneak naughty words onto Racing Snails, but we have taking steps to minimise the chance of this happening where possible.

Players can choose their own usernames and name their snails. We have developed a strict profanity filter that checks for an exhaustive list of explicit words and phrases, including variations used to bypass filters, to prevent players from using them.

We realise that people are constantly thinking of new ways to trick these filters, and language adapts over time, so in game names are also checked by humans too.

It is possible to purchase cosmetic items on Racing Snails.

We have plans to add a parental lock for the shop page to prevent children from being able to make purchases without supervision.

Racing Snails has an official Discord server. This server is monitored by game staff.

Discord does not allow users under the age of 13 to register for a Discord account. If anyone using the Racing Snails official Discord server is found to be under 13, they will be reported to Discord staff.

We use our Discord server to facilitate community discussion and interaction. While we try to maintain a family friendly environment on our Discord server, we have less control over what happens on Discord than we do on Racing Snails.

Discord is home to countless servers and Racing Snails staff have no control over the content of these other servers.

Racing Snails Logo

Thank you!

You’ve helped us test the Racing Snails concept and we’ve had some amazing feedback!

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